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Check-In Boxes

(And Other Resources)

These resources are being provided free of charge to all Science Olympiad teams

Written Instructions

Division B, Middle School (added 10/21/22)

Division C, High School (added 10/21/22)

Check-In Box Tips

Division B, Middle School

For the 2022-2023 Science Olympiad Season, teams are required to bring a check-in box in addition to their planes. You must have a SEPARATE check-in box for EACH plane.


Many schools may have these boxes already. For Middle School Division B, a standard “Bankers Box” #702 will meet the rules. Similar boxes from other brands may also work. ALWAYS DOUBLE CHECK THE BOX IS THE RIGHT SIZE!


Additionally, one of the better places to purchase boxes seems to be Amazon. Boxes which meet the requirements of Division B, Middle School are available at:

Division C, High School

For the 2022-2023 Science Olympiad Season, teams are required to bring a check-in box in addition to their planes. You must have a SEPARATE check-in box for EACH plane.


Many schools may have these boxes already. For High School, Division C, a standard “Bankers Box” #703 will meet the rules. Similar boxes from other brands may also work.



Additionally, one of the better places to purchase boxes seems to be Amazon. Boxes which meet the requirements of Division C, High School, are available at:

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